Hamish at Down to Earth scaled e1680075577237

Pairtree Pipes to streamline data flow

Pairtree Intelligence co-founder Hamish Munro is fast running out of voice as he responds to an avalanche of interest from the global launch of agtech innovation, Pairtree Pipes, at the evokeAG. event in Adelaide last month.

Pairtree Pipes API (Application Programming Interface) delivers agribusinesses, software developers and researchers access to the data outputs of more than 90 digital device and service suppliers, including 16 different weather station suppliers, 15 soil probe suppliers, 15 tank sensor suppliers and 17 farm management programs.

“We provide the integrations so agtech services can deliver the insights they specialise in, and we aim to collaborate, rather than compete, with others in the agriculture IoT space,” said Mr Munro.

Read more at AgriFutures evokeAG

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