Rob Tuck runs ten farms in the Macquarie Valley in the Narromine Region, NSW

Rob Tuck runs ten farms in the Macquarie Valley in the Narromine Region, NSW

Spraymate is Pairtree’s highly accurate spray conditions forecasting tool, calculating Delta T, wind speed and temperature for your location. Pairtree Core subscribers can access 12hr and 24hr forecasts, while Pairtree Plus subscribers also access 48hr and 7-day forecasts.

Rob Tuck grows cotton, canola, wheat, barley, sheep & cattle.

“Spraymate is a really hand tool. The best thing about it is it gives you a good prediction of what the spray conditions are going to be. It saves us time and money because our operator doesn’t go out to a job, maybe 30kms away and the conditions are wrong so he might sit in the paddock for 6 hours at $30 an hour waiting til the conditions are right. So now he can stay at home, go to bed, roll over & look at Spraymate and say yes conditions are gonna be right at midnight so let’s try at midnight instead of just taking pot luck.

We’ve got a heap of weather stations on our farms but Spraymate’s the only one I’ve seen that actually predicts what the weather’s going to do and gives you an indication of Delta T, wind speed and direction. It’s good how it dumbs it down a bit too – it’s colour coded so if it’s green it’s good, if it’s red it’s bad for spraying. Easy to use. I’d recommend it.”

Rob Tuck

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