Crisp IQ – Regional Communications and IoT Solutions – Leigh Ballard

Crisp IQ – Regional Communications and IoT Solutions – Leigh Ballard

Crisp IQ MD, Leigh Ballard, was looking for a custom-made dashboard to deliver smart farm solutions to his clients when he heard about Pairtree’s ‘white-label’ for business approach.

“Our clients are mainly farmers – and I can tell you they are impressed by what they can get out of a Pairtree dashboard. All the information feeding through one place with one log in is really appealing to them.

Now Pairtree has developed Crisp IQ branded dashboards for our customers which means we can deliver the whole package – the IoT hardware, the signal boosters or other communications solutions and the dashboard.

Crisp IQ have had an IoT solution running for a number of years with soil moisture, temperature and salinity probes, water tank and water trough level monitors and a gate monitoring system at the Muresk Institute (WA’s skills hub for modern agriculture and SMART farm demonstration site) and worked closely with Pairtree to deliver the right dashboard.

“They can monitor all their sensors and other farm information in one place with just one log in. The manager can monitor rainfall, literally see it work its way down into the ground with the soil probes, then know when the water will be in the right soil zone so they can start seeding. They also get all the weather, markets and maps that other Pairtree dashboards feature too.

Another client, a major grain exporter, wanted a snapshot of the weather in each of the five grain production port zones in WA. They pass it on to their international buyers on a regular basis during the growing season and didn’t want to have to gather and analyse all of the available weather info from different sources across those vast areas. Crisp IQ and Pairtree worked together to deliver exactly the information the client was after presented in the format they wanted it.

See more about Crispiq here:   

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